New pages
- 21:49, 29 November 2024 Train Station (hist | edit) [1,470 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxLocation |name = Train Station |image = |locatedin = Spawn |builtby = Rhubarb }} ''Not to be confused with Station!'' The Train Station is an underground subway system that goes around the Island, built primarily by Rhubarb. == Builds == == History == The train station was started by Rhubarb as a way to "make up" for his past sins. It then became a passion project, providing easier transportation to various remote parts of the island. == A...")
- 00:35, 19 October 2024 Juornal 2 (hist | edit) [4,883 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = juornal 1 |writtenby = Owl |location = Owl's Apartment |series = Category:Juornals by Owl |prev = Juornal 1 |next = |appearance = A small leather-bound book with lined pages. |desc = Owl's recollection of events, from mid-August 2024 to Daisy's appearance. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> ran outta room in my other juornal so i got a new one<br/><br/> and also lost it on acsident by shitty pillar but god h...")
- 22:26, 14 October 2024 Beach Episode (hist | edit) [1,289 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A hangout started by Finch, who found a mysterious beach near The Pretty Cabin. September 20th, 2024. The links to video recordings can be found in the #bulletin-board channel on Discord. == Characters present == * Finch * Owl * Alphys * Jelly * Rhubarb * Fravashi * Animaverte == Summary == * Finch called invited the server to the beach to hang out. * He revealed that he didn't build any structures on the beach, they were already...")
- 22:26, 27 September 2024 Meeting Three (hist | edit) [1,657 bytes] Jellyfish Neo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = meeting 1 |writtenby = Jelly, Five Zero |series = Category:Jelly and Five Zero Meetings |previous = Meeting 2 |next = N/A |appearance = A series of pages laid neatly in order and then angrily crumpled together. |desc = An argument taking place after the events of Questioning. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> hey man what the hell? i thought we agreed you'd keep our mouth shut until you got your own >:I<br/><b...")
- 21:29, 27 September 2024 Questioning (hist | edit) [6,941 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxChatlog |date = September 27, 2024 |characters = Daisy<br/>Jelly<br/>Owl</br>Five Zero }} <poem class="chatlog"><<span class="gold">daisy</span>> hey, you're... jelly, right? <<span class="aqua">jelly</span>> yeah, i am <<span class="gold">daisy</span>> i just wanted to say, uh. <<span class="gold">daisy</span>> thanks. for being there for dee. when finch... yknow. <<span class="aqua">jelly</span>> yeah, of course. it was... i couldn't just si...")
- 02:33, 27 September 2024 Richard (hist | edit) [1,310 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with ""Richard" is a lineage of endermen that appear in Rhubarb's house. The only criteria for an enderman to become a Richard is to teleport into his house and get named. Several generations of Richards have gone by: * The original Richard stayed by the living room window, staring hatefully at the sea. He was accidentally killed by Illura with Thorns armor. * Richard 2 lived in the basement for a short while before his boat was broken and he left. Presumably, he died...")
- 02:13, 27 September 2024 Meeting 2 (hist | edit) [2,244 bytes] Jellyfish Neo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = meeting 1 |writtenby = Jelly, Five Zero |series = Category:Jelly and Five Zero Meetings |previous = meeting 1 |next = N/A |appearance = A stack of papers folded together with nothing connecting them to each other. |desc = Jelly reconsiders how best to handle Five Zero's arrival. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> hey, five zero? i've been thinking... i know we talked about maybe letting you exist outside of my brai...")
- 01:01, 26 September 2024 Log 4 (hist | edit) [6,157 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Dream Log |writtenby = Unknown |location = Dreamscape |series = Dream logs |previous = Log 3 |next = None |appearance = An unassuming red book. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> <span class="darkgreen">You. <span class="gold">Huh? <span class="darkgreen">Why didn't you do anything to stop it? <span class="gold">What are you talking about? <span class="darkgreen">Don't play dumb. You're smarter...")
- 06:21, 25 September 2024 Meeting 1 (hist | edit) [3,320 bytes] Jellyfish Neo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = meeting 1 |writtenby = Jelly, Five Zero |previous = Jelly's Diary |appearance = A bundle of loose papers hastily strung into a makeshift book. |desc = The first communications between Jelly and Five Zero. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> ok. whoever wrote that last entry in my diary. i'm putting this down in the same place. idk who you are or what you want, please tell me<br/><br/> I am... Not entirely sure myself. I do...")
- 06:00, 25 September 2024 Jelly's Diary (hist | edit) [4,264 bytes] Jellyfish Neo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Jelly's Diary |writtenby = Jelly, Five Zero |next = meeting 1 |appearance = A barely-filled spiral notebook. The pages are brittle, like they've been soaked in water and dried too many times. |desc = An account of events and ideas recorded by Jelly between their obtaining Squidbeak's Blessing and their sighting of Finch's ghost on day 6840. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> dear diary,<br/><br/>WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...")
- 04:36, 25 September 2024 Sparked (hist | edit) [9,158 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxFic |title = Sparked |writtenby = Owls |featuring = Daisy<br/>Finch<br/>The Pretty Cabin |series = |previous = |next = }} Water flows lazily from the cabin to the beach, the gentle trickle barely audible over the sound of Daisy's footsteps. Brown eyes trail from a daisy to a cornflower to another daisy, on and on until he reaches the cabin, and the tree jutting through the wall. As he stands in front of the house, a feeling of peace pokes at...")
- 04:22, 23 September 2024 Log 3 (hist | edit) [6,068 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Dream Log |writtenby = Unknown |location = Dreamscape |series = Dream logs |previous = Log 2 |next = Animectomy |appearance = An unassuming purple book. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> <span class="darkgreen">You don't seem very happy tonight... <span class="gold">I'm not. <span class="darkgreen">What's the matter? <span class="gold">Don't touch me. You should know what the problem is. <s...")
- 03:40, 23 September 2024 Finch Eats Sculk (hist | edit) [8,782 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Events of September 22, 2024. Involving Finch, Owl, Jelly, and Queen Amanita. This page will get an infobox Later. <poem class="chatlog"><<span class="blue">Finch</span>> Owl? <owl> yeah? <<span class="blue">Finch</span>> remember what you asked me? <<span class="blue">Finch</span>> after the beach. <<span class="blue">Finch</span>> ... to tell you when im about to. well <owl> oh <owl> yeah <owl> ...are u? <<span class="blue">Finch</span>> um. yeah <<spa...")
- 03:24, 23 September 2024 Log 2 (hist | edit) [4,053 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Dream Log |writtenby = Unknown |location = Dreamscape |series = Dream logs |previous = Log 1 |next = Log 3 |appearance = An unassuming green book. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> <span class="darkgreen">You're back! <span class="gold">Nice to see you again. <span class="darkgreen">We've been seeing each other more often. There was a bit there where I never saw you! <span class="gold">Ah......")
- 04:30, 16 September 2024 Log 1 (hist | edit) [4,790 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Title |writtenby = Unknown |location = Dreamscape |series = Dream logs |next = Log 2 |appearance = An unassuming blue book. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> <span class="green">Hello? Have we met before?</span> <span class="gold">I... think so? You look familiar. <span class="green">That's what I thought! <span class="gold">I don't know where I've seen you from, though. I know everyone on the...")
- 01:48, 10 September 2024 Radio Tower (hist | edit) [667 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxLocation |name = Radio Tower |image = Filename.png |locatedin = Spawn |builtby = Rhubarb, regrettably }} A copper tower built on the southern snowy mountain at Spawn. == History == Rhubarb built this eyesore to facilitate communication between him and his friend, the nuisance. == Appearance == A large tower built entirely out of copper blocks and grates. It stands around 70 blocks tall, gradually getting thinner towards the top. It c...")
- 17:08, 7 September 2024 Dreamscape (hist | edit) [696 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="center> <span class="gold" id="typewriter">You aren't supposed to see this.</span> </div>")
- 19:40, 6 September 2024 Cherry (hist | edit) [1,676 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Who's this supposed to be? Category:Characters")
- 19:23, 6 September 2024 Animectomy (hist | edit) [14,993 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxFic |title = Animectomy |writtenby = Allister |featuring = Rhubarb Cherry }} <div class="ao3"><span class="tag">Dubious Consent</span>, <span class="tag">Extremely Dubious Consent</span>, <span class="tag">Emotional Manipulation</span>, <span class="tag">Rated T For typical amounts of metaphors from Allister</span>, <span class="tag">Gore</span>, <span class="tag">Eroguro if you squint</span></div> “There’s something wrong with my soul.” “H...")
- 07:19, 6 September 2024 DAUGHTER (hist | edit) [83 bytes] BugPuppy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span class="minecraft aqua" id="typewriter">Enough of this terrible dream...</span>")
- 06:48, 6 September 2024 Animaverte (hist | edit) [1,777 bytes] BugPuppy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxCharacter |name = Animaverte |image = thumb |pronouns = It/It's |nicknames = Anima |species = Elder God |playedby = Arthur |relations = ?DAUGHTER? }} Animaverte is an Elder God of unknown alligences and purpose, it arrived heralded by blood moons and now appears to be searching for it's daughter. It's symbols are moons, blood and parasites. == Personality == Animaverte is a rude being, or rather it does not care about ot...")
- 20:50, 28 August 2024 The Prince (hist | edit) [104 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="center minecraft darkpurple" id="typewriter">...This place is a mess. Your "god" doesn't seem too keen on doing his job, hm?</div>")
- 03:06, 28 August 2024 Daisy (hist | edit) [1,327 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Oxeyedaisy.png")
- 20:44, 26 August 2024 Two Birds, One Bed (hist | edit) [20,949 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxFic |title = Two Birds, One Bed |writtenby = Owls |featuring = Owl<br/>Finch<br/>The Pretty Cabin |series = |previous = |next = }} Afternoon sunlight filters through the windows as Owl stands in front of their crafting table, mushrooms and daisies scattered on its surface. They carefully cut up the ingredients, sprinkle petals into the mixture, and then place two bowls over a campfire. As they wait for the soup to simmer, their communicator...")
- 23:10, 24 August 2024 August 10th Meeting (hist | edit) [1,670 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A meeting called by Finch at the Spawn Valley Community Center to discuss the state of the server. The link to a video recording of the meeting can be found in the #bulletin-board channel on Discord. == Characters present == * Finch * Rhubarb * Dell * Alphys * Illura * Fravashi * Owl * Jelly * Lucian == Summary == I will do this later I prommy Category:Events")
- 23:03, 24 August 2024 Timeline (hist | edit) [2,679 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A chronological list of events that have happened in the server. Please add anything you think is important or that you want to remember! If you don't know the exact date, just place it in the correct order as best you can. * '''June 14:''' Server begins. * '''July 27:''' Rhubarb breaks into Finch's base, bringing multiple others in with him. * '''July 28:''' Finch's clock goes missing. * '''August 2:''' A fox made of sculk appears at Spawn, alongside a fox...")
- 22:40, 22 August 2024 The Red Moon (hist | edit) [21,446 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxFic |title = The Red Moon |writtenby = Owls |featuring = Owl<br/>Finch<br/>Animaverte<br/>The Judge<br/>Captain Squidbeak<br/>Dell |series = |previous = |next = }} There's a drizzle over Spawn Valley today, tickling Owl with raindrops as he teleports in. He spins around and re-orients himself before heading up the hill towards his spawn house. He desperately needs spruce wood but doesn't want to chop any of those big tall trees. Ma...")
- 15:00, 20 August 2024 Amy Stall (hist | edit) [117 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span class="minecraft lightpurple" id="typewriter">. . . what happened to Amy Stall?</span>")
- 00:30, 19 August 2024 Juornal 1 (hist | edit) [5,164 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = juornal 1 |writtenby = Owl |location = Owl's Apartment |series = Category:Juornals by Owl |next = |appearance = A small leather-bound book with lined pages. |desc = Owl's recollection of events, until mid-August 2024. }} <div class="book"> <div class="writing"> does a little dance </div> </div> Category:BooksCategory:Books by OwlCategory:Juornals by Owl")
- 01:16, 17 August 2024 God (hist | edit) [333 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Manifesto |next = None |appearance = A piece of paper shoved between a thin leather binding. }} {{Book |Your God wants me gone. }} Category:BooksCategory:Books by RhubarbCategory:Rhubarb's journals")
- 01:15, 17 August 2024 Manifesto (hist | edit) [2,974 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Manifesto) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Allowance |next = God |appearance = A book that's thicker than the others by a large margin. Its covers are completely plain and solid black. |desc = Rhubarb's devotion, documented. }} {{Book |The Warden is the true name of the monster I have spoken of before. It was regarded as a Devil-like figure, a notion I reject. The Warden res...")
- 01:10, 17 August 2024 Dreams (hist | edit) [1,098 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Dreams) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = None |next = Truth |appearance = A plain book with extremely messy handwriting. |desc = Insane ramblings. }} {{Book |I thought the moon was alive. I thought the moon was alive. I thought the moon was alive. I thought the moon was alive. I thought the moon was alive. I thought the moon was alive. I thought the moon was alive. I thought the m...")
- 01:07, 17 August 2024 Allowance (hist | edit) [895 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Allowance) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Explanation |next = Manifesto |appearance = A loosely bound book. There's nothing particularly special about it. |desc = A short diary entry. }} {{Book |Two people have been allowed into this room. Two people have been allowed to know my secret. Illura and Jelly have both been entrusted with this information. Maybe they understand?...")
- 01:04, 17 August 2024 Explanation (hist | edit) [1,482 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Explanation) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Reality |next = Allowance |appearance = An oddly well-kept book, considering the state of the others in this room. It has a solid black cover. |desc = An explanation of what Rhubarb's locked room was. }} {{Book |If you are reading this, you've gotten into my secret room. I admit I didn't hide it very well, but it's not like I have...")
- 01:01, 17 August 2024 Reality (hist | edit) [1,241 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Reality) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Spreading |next = Explanation |appearance = A loosely bound book. Its front cover is coming apart, and some pages are stiff from being wet. |desc = Insane ramblings. }} {{Book |I don't know what's going on anymore. I've started caring for this world's inhabitants like I never did in the old world. I don't know why. They're not real. N...")
- 00:57, 17 August 2024 Spreading (hist | edit) [994 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Spreading) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Stains |next = Reality |appearance = A loosely bound book. The pages have holes in them, and the covers are stained with large patches of sculk. |desc = Rhubarb's musings on the sculk mound. }} {{Book |Sculk has been spreading to the places I've been. It's eaten away the stone in the room below. It appears in patches at spawn periodi...")
- 00:53, 17 August 2024 Stains (hist | edit) [843 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Stains) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Respawning |next = Spreading to next entry |appearance = A plain, loosely bound book. The cover is dappled with black spots that are uncomfortably soft. |desc = Rhubarb's first experience with sculk in this world. }} {{Book |Sculk begins to blacken your fingers as you handle it. It doesn't wash off. It won't wash off no matter how hard...")
- 00:50, 17 August 2024 Respawning (hist | edit) [972 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Respawning) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Teleportation |next = Stains |appearance = A plain, loosely bound book. The pages are torn and crumpled at the edges, like the book has seen better days. |desc = A description of the respawning phenomenon. }} {{Book |It's possible to cheat death in this world. You die and wake up at your bed, no matter where you were. I imagine it...")
- 00:44, 17 August 2024 Teleportation (hist | edit) [890 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = Untitled (Teleportation) |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Category:Rhubarb's journals |previous = Truth |next = LINK |appearance = A plain, loosely bound book. Some ink is splattered on the covers. |desc = A description of the teleportation phenomenon. }} {{Book |Teleporting is useful. A subspace portal opens up and you walk through it and end up at your destination. Sometimes the subspace portal stretches out for too long a...")
- 00:21, 17 August 2024 Truth (hist | edit) [2,153 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxBook |title = "Truth" |writtenby = Rhubarb |series = Rhubarb's journals |previous = None |next = LINK |appearance = A plain, loosely bound book. The handwriting is surprisingly messy. |desc = Rhubarb's anonymous letter to the other islanders, telling about his memories and current happenings. }} {{Book |This isn't my first time in this world. Long ago I woke up one day and couldn't remember anything about who I was or what I was or anything a...")
- 23:28, 13 August 2024 Finch's House (hist | edit) [71 bytes] Birdweird (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The first thing you see when you respawn. Stay out. Category:Builds")
- 23:21, 13 August 2024 Rhubarb's Home (hist | edit) [1,405 bytes] Milkywaytrain (talk | contribs) (Created page with " {{InfoboxLocation |name = Rhubarb's house |aka = hole |coords = X, Y, Z |locatedin = Island coastline |builtby = Rhubarb }} == Appearance == hole thumb == Secrets == :3 Category:Builds")
- 00:05, 9 August 2024 Should I Stay? (hist | edit) [18,329 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxFic |title = Should I Stay? |writtenby = Owls |featuring = Owl<br/>Finch |series = |previous = |next = }} Owl pops into spawn and does his usual spin-around— he always forgets which direction he faces when he comes in, and does a full turn before heading up to his spawn house. He has a sign in hand, ready to place on his mailbox and redirect people to drop any packages at Hill Valley instead. The new mailbox is so fancy, it lights up and everyth...")
- 18:28, 4 August 2024 A Visit to Shitty Pillar (hist | edit) [5,599 bytes] Owl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InfoboxFic |title = A Visit to Shitty Pillar |writtenby = Owls |featuring = Owl<br/>Finch<br/>Shitty Pillar }} "Do you wanna visit Shitty Pillar?" Owl bounces on their heels as they smile hopefully at Finch, who is still gazing up at the Tomb of Grock. He contemplates for a moment, hands in his pockets, and then shrugs. "Yeah. Sure." "Really!?" Owl gasps, smiling growing even wider. They flap their hands and spin around to face the giant pillar of di...")